Yesterday was an adventure as itself. We got here around
4:00 and it was hot, humid, and awesome all at the same time. Yesterday was a getting used to period for me because I couldn’t tell if I was wet or dry. We
played soccer with some of the neighborhood boys and they were full of joy.
Most of them are better with their feet than I am with my hands. Even though
most of the kids barely have clothes on and can’t afford a living like we can,
they still seem to have joy. Today was water truck day and my view on this
world and people has completely changed. We pull up in the tap tap, honk the
horn, and then all you hear is the screaming and laughter of little kids
running towards you. They all live in torn up shacks made out of sheet metal, wood,
and they still have this joy that I haven’t even seen in the USA. I turned into
a giant jungle gym for little kids. I was doing hard work carrying buckets for
little girls to their houses but I couldn’t stop smiling. I would carry a
bucket and then carry 2 little kids back to the water truck, over and over
again, and it got better each time. God has shown me compassion, love, joy, and
beauty all at the same time. Thank God for this experience and thank God for
giving me 6 more days here.
Ryan McClain
As a third time goer, water truck day has always been one of
the hardest, but most rewarding days for me. What always impacts me the most is
the desperation in these children’s eyes for the desire just to be held. It’s
such a different need for these kids than kids in America. Kids in America want
toys and stuff and the newest iPhone, but the kids here just want to be loved.
And that’s why I love water truck day. Because even though it hurts so much to
see all these people in such desperation for water and food and love, we are
able to give them some of those things. Simply by picking up a child whose arms
are extended to you, you’re able to give them 20 minutes of love. My favorite
part of Haiti has always been showing God’s love to the kids and the people of
this country. Each day I get to embrace Jesus’ philosophy of love is a day I count
as a blessing. I am looking forward to continuing to love the beautiful people
of Haiti each day we are here.
Dani Beckman
Today was water truck day one of the best days of serving
but also one of the hardest. We went into the slums of Haiti the poorest part
to bring clean water and just love on and serve these beautiful humans. As we
arrived all the cute little kids ran up to the truck excited as ever just to
see us and as we stepped out they would hug us jump on us sometimes kiss us it
was a little overwhelming but such an awesome experience. Seeing them in their
circumstances and seeing how much joy and love and excitement was in their hearts was nothing less than amazing.
The love I have for these people is indescribable each day I have with them
fills me with an abundant amount love and joy. I’m grateful I have an entire
week to just spend time with them love on them and most importantly show them
Jesus is.
Today was water truck day and I think
this will probably be my favorite day of the week. I got to interact with all
the kids that are getting water to support their families. My favorite part of
today was being able to carry the kids that wanted to be carried because it is
a good feeling to hold those kids that are happy even though they live in a
place much harder than were we live. It also made me realize that wealth does
not equal happiness. Some people that I saw today were probably the happiest
people I have ever met in my life and they lived in maybe a hut that hat sticks
holding up a roof as a home. These people are probably the most amazing people I
have ever met in my life because they were happy with everything that they got
unlike people in America are happy with only things that they want. This was a
life changing day and I am so happy that this is only the beginning of the week
and I get to go and serve more this week. This is a BLESSING.
-Cole McClain