Sunday Funday!
First, please accept our deepest thanks for all of your prayers this week. Your prayers were felt in the evidence of the work that we were able to complete this week, our safety, and our team cohesiveness. We were able to interact with every elder in Healing Haiti's program, both in Titanyen as well as the elders new to the program in Cite Soleil. That's 48 elders in total that received assessments from nursing, therapies and social work!
After the week of hard work (which included not only seeing the elders and completing the assessments, but also "care conferences" each evening until well after dark) we had a day of rest. Our day started as normal with breakfast together, then we loaded up the tap-tap and left "on Haitian time" and arrived in Titanyen just in time to be 20 minutes late for church! The worship service was in full swing when we arrived, and the band was the same musicians that blessed our elders on Wednesday at Fleri. They had first-time attenders stand up to be welcomed, and of course they had to switch to English so that we were even able to know that they were speaking to us :)
From church, we continued to travel north to Wahoo Bay Resort, where we enjoyed the beach, seafood, frozen fruit smoothies and RELAXATION! It was a beautiful day and a good time was had by all.
We experienced the evidence of God's hand on our week---it was all His. For those that returned from last year it was so rewarding to see the prayers we prayed come to fruition. We had prayed for more efficiency in assessments and we found a way. We were able to see with our own eyes some of the home modifications we recommended last year. We prayed for more elders in the program and an expansion to Cite Soleil and both became a reality!
Thanks so much for joining us in supporting the elders in this program through prayers whether this week, last year, or time beyond that. Please pray for needs to be met for these wonderful people. If you would like to be a part of sponsoring any of the new elders, go to to learn more.
Until next year . . . Going Deeper Elder Care Team <3
See your late night bloggers below LOL