Monday, March 5, 2018

Day 1: We've Arrived!!

Well, everybody, we made it to Haiti!  I must admit that when I opened up my garage door Monday morning at 2:00 a.m. and saw a blizzard of tiny snowballs falling from the sky (I honestly am not sure what this form of precipitation is called. Too round to be flakes, too dry to be sleet, and too light to be hail.), I was a bit anxious about everybody getting to MSP safely and all of us making our connecting flight in Atlanta.  But other than that minor challenge, our travel day went smoothly!

Once we made it to our home base in Port-au-Prince, we got settled in with a tour to get to know the lay of the land.  Then we ate some awesome taco salads (I can tell I am going to love this place!), had our first of many nightly team meetings, and even had a chance  to play soccer, take selfies, and just hang out with many of the local kids. It was so awesome to see so many young people (and a few almost as old as me...namely Julie...the birthday girl) having so much fun together without any technology.

As far as I am concerned, if today is any reflection of how this week is going to go, we are in for awesome ride. GOD IS GOOD!
~Mark Magnuson