Sunday, July 29, 2018

Day 7 Team 3 (M&M)

Rendez Vous Church

This church was filled to the brim with vibrant music and everyone was up and clapping and praising God (palms up).  This church was packed with people, especially young people, as it is affiliated with Haiti Teen Challenge, helping young people get back on track with their personal and spiritual lives.  This service was mostly in Creole but the sermon part of the service was in English and translated to Creole.  I had several years of French and it was fun to say the Lord’s Prayer in French (similar to Creole)

Notre Père, qui es aux cieux,

que ton nom soit sanctifié. 

Que ton règne vienne, Que ta volonté, soit fait sur la terre comme au ciel.

Donne-nous aujourd’hui notre pain de ce jour

Pardonne-nous nos offencés

Comme nous pardonne aussi à ceux qui nous one offensés.

Et ne nous somets pas à la tentation

Mais déliver-nous du mal,

Car c’est a toi qu’appartiennent le règne,

La puissance et la gloire, au siècles des siècles. 


We got to spend a little time shopping on the mountain.  There are vendors on the mountain who live and sell out of their homes on the side of the road.  Sorry but most of our Goers are coming home with lots of fun trinkets.  We spent about an hour just shopping and laughing and mentally preparing for our transition back home.


At the top of the mountain there are more vendors selling paintings, shaky sticks, necklaces, bracelets and other trinkets.  Before we got out the Tap Tap, I prepared the goers for the “hard sell”.  The vendors don’t wait for you to come to them, they come to you.  They sell so hard, you just end up buying something.  I think I bought a rock.  But it was heart shaped, so all is good.


The trip was completed with a stop to a Haitian grocery store called Giant.  It was an eye opener to realize that toilet paper cost (4 pack double ply was 1050 Gourds = $15.59 USD.  Mayonnaise was about $11USD.  There are lots of street markets where you can purchase fresh fruits and cooked chicken, so we quickly came to the conclusion that shopping at the grocery store was a luxury most people probably cannot afford.


We finished the day with a cool down at the pool, dinner and some team time.  We decided to have a word of the week and we really had some wonderful words to sum up our experience.  For those of you at home reading this blog, please know that we have a lot of heart changes coming home to you.  It may be difficult for your family or friend to convey their experience because it is sometime painful to talk about and very difficult not only to describe what our eyes have witnessed, but what our hearts have felt.  Be patient with them as they re-adjust to home life and re-integrate back in.


We will stop at Peace Cycle which is an organization that takes plastic water pouches discarded on the streets of Haiti (7 million per year), washes them and recycles them into usable products like tote bags, wallets, wine holders, placemats, etc.  Then we will be off to the airport and we all should be to our respective homes by midnight.

Thank you to all the supporters of this week’s mission goers; both financially and spiritually.  We couldn’t do this without your support.  We love you all and miss you!
