Day #5 – Elder Visits and Grace Village
Today half the team got up before 6am to attend Haitian church. It was quite a unique experience, especially for the younger team members. At Haitian church, everyone walks while they pray. One older gentleman welcomed us with hugs and a smile. Everyone enjoyed the visit.
After our elder visits we toured Fleri Bakery, our first job creation program. It was amazing to hear the back story of how the organization grew to where it is today. Healing Haiti’s Fleri bakery has hired nearly 50 Haitian employees as and has a goal to hire 50+ more Haitian employees in the future.
At the Bakery enjoyed delicious pizzas before venturing home. The ride home would normally be 30 minutes, but tonight it was closer to 3 hours. This team continues to amaze us with their flexibility and patience, nobody complained, they just made the best of a rough situation. They are incredibly adaptable, and so generous to each team member and the people we serve here in Haiti. We are so grateful to be here in Haiti serving alongside them.
Carissa & Taylor