Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Coyle & Bower Family Trip Day 1 (Arrival Day)


Today, when we got to the guest house, we ran through instructions and what to use and what not to use. We got acquainted with the Bower family, the family accompanying us on our trip. We first saw the new, 2 month old puppies and the other dogs, then went upstairs to explore. I went to the balcony to look out. As I looked around, I noticed a medium sized gap between the railing and the yellow stucco walls. I went into it, and got a beautiful view of the neighborhood. I glanced around and saw people burning trash, Bathing in the open, and a few boys fighting on a roof. I invited the rest of the kids over to look at it. As we looked, our neighbors came over and said hi- or some sort of welcome in Creole. Then they did what I was not expecting. They started to sing. They sang and sang and danced along with their tune. They were dancing, and probably wanted us to join. So I started to clap to the rhythm. Then we wanted to know their names. We grabbed a Creole packet and practiced. It took us a while to find out who would do it. Then, we all said it. At first, they didn’t hear it well. So I took the guts and said it again. They heard it then, and laughed at my American accent. I was very embarrassed. I stayed longer, hearing them sing Jingle Bells in the middle of summer. We then had Devotions and talked about bearing a fruit that is eternal. We talked about how to act as a Christian in public, not just in Church. Then we talked, Rachel, Willow and I, on the porch. After a little bit, we went to sleep to make up for our wakeup time of 2:30.


Added by Mike: As I tucked Luke in he said: "Dad I was nervous about going into Cite Soleil tomorrow with all the kids, but after tonight, I'm not nervous anymore."

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